Friday, October 17, 2008

The dreaded two first name syndrome

So, I had to sit through a full game of Matt Ryan shredding the Bears D play after play and it made me despise players with two first names. Here are some other players that I have grown to hate having two first names.

Double Firsts Hate List #1

Ryan Grant (RB - Green Bay)
- Grant Hill, Buddy Ryan, Grant Thornton, LLP... you get my point. Grant Ryan would make a hell of a sweet name though. Although, if he played for the Packers.. I would probably grow to hate him as well.

Double Firsts Hated #2

Terry Glenn (WR - USA) - I don't think you need to see more than the picture below to know why he made this list. He may not play this year, but I still hate him.

Double Firsts Hated #3

Kelly Gregg (DT - Ravens) -
Alright, I don't hate him at all but I did find a former student body president from Minnesota State University with the same name and I now love all Kelly Gregg's. And to think I never knew a Minnesota State University existed outside of watching Coach.

My god, that might be the best stache I have ever seen. If I could have grown that in college, I may have the Guiness record for STD's.


The Numbers Guy said...

Wondering why Tom Brady was left off the list?

DecentDestroyer said...

Or even your icon, Peter Tom Willis. But I guess that's a different category since it's actually 3 first names.