Wednesday, June 16, 2010

US Open season

That's a play on words. It means that in the 2010 US Open, anyone can win. The conditions are difficult. The wind is blowing. Fairways are firm (source: Scott Van Pelt 2010 How does this relate to Chicago? It doesn't. No one cares. World Cup's in full swing. NBA Finals have a game 7 (if anyone cares), and the Blackhawks just won their first Cup since 61 (which I guarantee people care). The Sox are 2 wins away from the 'everyone but the players/fans care about' Cup. Why am I writing about the golf US Open? I don't know.

(Picture is the 1st image returned on a 'Play on words' Google search)
(Scott Van Pelt footnote not even close to being the right way to do it)


DecentDestroyer said...

Just an awfully written article here. But par for the course at ACSF. Good job #'s guy!

The Numbers Guy said...

hey par for the course is a great play on words for the coming US open.

(Decent Destroyer's contract extended for another 2 months)