Thursday, May 15, 2008


Welcome to the average chicago sports fan blog-o-sphere!

What you'll find here:
- average commentary from a few average chicago sports fans
- old chicago sports news, sometimes from other decades (i.e. why the bulls let Dave Corzine go?)
- hypothetical situations (i.e. what if the bulls did a sale/leaseback arrangement for Ben Wallace where they trade him to the Cavs and then lease back his services when they play against a team where he'd be a benefit to have in the lineup.)
- analysis of Chicago sports team moves that have been swept under the rug for years (i.e. Where is Michele Goulet?)

What you won't find here:
- breaking chicago sports news
- great perspectives that enlighten the reader
- dollars & sense about the business of bringing in new players or letting others go (i.e. should the Bears pay Urlacher?)
- draft day coverage, preseason camp coverage, etc.

Thanks and look forward to some average dialogue!!

1 comment:

DecentDestroyer said...

This blog is pretty decent.