Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I can't speak for everyone (I can't even speak for myself half the time...okay a quarter of the time), but there are two things I'm really looking forward to right now: 1) Watching the Blackhawks play on WNNNBC next year (even though W signifies radio, it just feels better to say it that way). After watching a great Penguins/Wings game 3 of the Lord Stanley's finals on an HD screen with bunny ears, it had me thinking back to the outdoor game that the Penguins played against the Sabres (?) this year. It may have been the Rangers, but I'm a Hawks fan so who really cares. Back to the point. The bunny ears kind of give you that same analog snowy feeling as does the actual snow that would've been viewed by most TV watchers these days on a 1080p HD screen during that one outdoor game where the Penguins wore baby blue for some reason. Why pay a monthly HD fee to see snow when you can have two jimmy rigged wires pointing N/NE and N/NW and get the same experience. The one sport that it becomes an issue on is golf as most tournaments I've seen are played in the warm weather. I digress. Since the Blackhawks are on track to win it all next year, I wonder what type of publicity stunt the Gary Bettman show will pull to get the Red Rising onto WNNNNBC. Outdoor game's already been done. My guess is he'll arrange a game in the clouds against team Care Bears. I would watch it if it was on WNNNNBC. The second thing I'm looking forward to is Splash Mountains first post. I don't think he cares about this blog...which pretty much checks out cause it's for the average Chicago Sports fan...not the avid fan.

- The Numbers Guy

1 comment:

DecentDestroyer said...

I love the signed post and then it has your name right under it. Just in case somebody hacked your account, I still know you signed this post personally.